Clean Catalyst
Clean Catalyst
Season 3: Episode 4 - Elin Bergman, CIO of Cradlenet and Co-founder of Nordic Circular Hotspot
Proud to bring to you a brand new episode in this season! We welcome Elin to Clean Catalyst.
Elin Bergman is known for being the Circular Economy Queen of Sweden. She the COO and spokesperson of the Swedish circular economy network Cradlenet, and is also one of the co-founders of the Nordic Circular Hotspot a collaboration platform for accelerating circular economy in the region.
In this episode, Elin elaborates how circular business models are existing and more prevalent than we believe, while also outlining some of the blockers that founders face when setting up circular solutions.
Reports mentioned in the episode:
- Product-as-a-Service in the circular economy: the nine critical challenges and how to fix them
- Nordic Roadmap for Circular Financing
Books mentioned in the episode:
- Waste to wealth, the circular economy advantage: by Jakob Rutqvist, Peter Lacy
- Cradle to cradle, by Michael Braungart, William McDonough
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